Friday, February 3, 2012


Before there was a 'Willis", there was another little goat. On the day he was born his nannie-goat was nibbling grass, seemed to pause long enough to birth him, clean him up a bit and then get back to nibbling. The wobbly baby that he was worked hard to keep up with his nannie - needing to suckle every now and then. As it worked out, I would periodically catch her and hold her still long enough for that small kid to butt the teats and get nourishment. This amused me and worked fine as he became days older and more agile, he could catch his meals without my help. The unexpected result of the earlier assistance was how the little goat imprinted my role into the order of life. I became his substitute mama and the recognition of mealtime and my presence in the pasture was secure. I could call to him and he would leave the other kids at play, bouncing to where I was holding his nannie. A camaraderie developed and if I would be in the pasture, he would be right beside - walking or bouncing along. If I sat down in the grass - he would commence jumping into and out of my lap, or standing up against my shoulder looking about. Baby goats are all about fun, but his personality was easy-going and people-centered. We named him Pistol Pete as he was quite the little firecracker bouncing and dancing everywhere he went.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


So funny that when you open a door, things come your way. Pictured is a portrait of Willis I painted tonight to donate for the NC Pottery Center fund raising auction on February 4, 2012. see:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Willis has waited long enough

Who can resist this face? The plan is to spend time in the next year blogging about and around the life & times of one silly goat. In the spirit of Daddles the hound dog or perhaps The Velveteen Rabbit (except in reverse - you know the story - very loved toy rabbit becomes real one day...)- Willis has been waiting to make her re-appearance via the web and other creative venues. Tune in....